Platform Development update
This month was quite special for the Stipend Team when it comes to the platform development cycle, as it has to be both a reconciliation and a revision session to iron out all the known bugs and issues while finishing all the tasks left and give enough time for the new team members to get used to the code source.
The developement cycle is planned to be closed as promised this current month (58 days as expected).
For that matter we prefered to post the full Changelog of all the tasks done this past month :
Tasks Done:
- Fixed authentication issue on the frontend — local, Google & Facebook login stopped working briefly because of some changes that were done on the backend.
- Added Docker support for the backend — this will allow us to more easily deploy/re-deploy/scale.
- Fixed bug where UI wouldn’t update after using Google/Facebook to log in.
- Fixed bug where Freelancers weren’t showing on the “Hire Freelancer” page due to backend changes.
- Fixed bug where Jobs weren’t showing on the “Find Work” page due to backend changes.
- Fixed bug where Latest Jobs weren’t showing on the homepage due to backend changes.
- Fixed bug where Top Freelancers weren’t showing on the homepage due to backend changes.
- Fixed bug where jobs weren’t displayed (/jobs) once logged in due to backend changes.
- Fixed bug where skills auto-suggestions weren’t showing on the ‘Create new Job’ page due to backend changes.
- Fixed bug where specific job wasn’t showing on the /jobs/:id page due to backend changes.
- Fixed bug where currency conversion wasn’t loading properly due to backend changes.
- Changed ‘Stipend Alpha’ to ‘Stipend Beta’ in navigation bar.
- Improved environment variables storing mechanism.
- Disabled socket code parts so that flow is uninterrupted. (We’ve disabled some servers dedicated to sockets logic because they weren’t that crucial, so we had to modify the code to follow that change).
- Fixed bug where you couldn’t post a job if you made an account using local authentication (e.g. email/password as opposed to using something like OAuth (Google/Facebook).
- Improved code behind updating freelancer’s profile.
- Re-enabled messages and notifications (This had some issues thanks to the shutdown of the sockets servers, so it required some changes).
- Fixed inbox page (This had some issues thanks to the shutdown of the sockets servers, so it required some changes).
- Made contract url in inbox clickable (Previously this was escaped and was showing as plain text. This is the auto-generated message that gets sent to both freelancer and client once client wants to hire freelancer).
- Hide/disable “Submit a Proposal” button if you’re looking at the job with the client account that posted the job.
- Hide/disable “Submit a Proposal” button if you’re looking at the job with the freelancer account that has already applied for the job.
- Prevent client from accepting the contract he made.
- Prevent client from declining the contract he made.
- Prevent freelancer from accepting or declining contract multiple time.
- Prevent anyone from seeing the contract who isn’t part of the contract.
- Added application status page where freelancer can see in what state he/she is currently in (e.g. sent proposal, interview, hired).
- Disabled hourly as job type temporary (We’ll introduce this after beta is complete).
- My Profile page — on update it no longer redirects to another page so you can see the changes you’ve made and perhaps update/change something if necessary.
- On submit proposal it no longer redirects to another page as this breaks the flow of user action.
Currently working on (nearly finished) :
New feature/page — freelancer’s submit work page. Once freelancer is hired, he/she should be able to finish the work and submit the work (if any). Freelancer is able to click on the button called “Finish Contract & Submit Work” once he/she opens the specific job underneath My Applications and fill out details (brief description) and attach any files if they’re necessary. This will essentially notify the client who then has an option of accepting or declining the work. If the work submitted is accepted, the job is complete. If the work submitted is declined, client & freelancer can chat further and discuss changes needed before it’s done.
Tasks Left for Release:
1) Leaving feedback/reviews upon job completion — we want to have a page where client and freelancer can rate one another and write optional feedback to each other. This happens after the task mentioned previously.
2) Finish the payment module — Every user account & job will have an address on the server’s wallet. When job is created, the job’s budget amount is taken from the client address to the job’s address. When the job is successfully finished the amount is transferred from the job’s address to the freelancer’s address. Users (both client and freelancer) should be able to deposit/withdraw currency from their dashboard pages.
This is the internal changelog with many things coming after release.
Mobile Wallet Update
We have a team going on this particular project. As it is a pressing matter for most of the current companies/investors to have a mobile wallet to store the coins bought or exchanged.
We are actually facing an issue with the connection side of the wallet while all the expected features are done and implemented.
This is meant to be solved soon. The deadline for october is still viable as we are on the last few tweaks to get it working.
Whitepaper status update
New update about whitepaper that have been asked by both the community and investors behind the project. This new version needs to highlight how the coin interacts within the platform in all possible manners.
The version delivered is still in re-read and will be updated on a regular basis on the new website.
Website status update
The website is actually done, and is subject to review by the current investor, we are also waiting for some more elements from the different sides of the project and perhaps have a launch of both the BETA and the Website at the same time.
As it will educate most of the new members about the project and the intricate details of the platform during launch.
The deadline for updating the website is the 15th of October.
Future focus and possible market development
Dev Team :
The actual focus of the dev team is around finishing the current dev cycle of the platform, launch the BETA and get it into a steady-state while we welcome new users daily.
Legal Team :
The legal team, on the other hand, has a mission articulated around meeting up and signing with as many Freelance Entities/Federations as possible while showcasing the unique strength of the platform compared to its classical competitors.
Market Development :
There are many market developments planned for the Stipend Project and we are still in talks with potential partners and actual investors about ways to impact industries that are orbiting the Freelance industry.
Platform Offical Launch date
The official launch date is finally getting clearer as the deadline of the current dev cycle is fixed for the 15th of October 2019 we should expect a stable version with the necessary features for launch. And add features as we go and as they are needed.
The current date for the BETA Launch is the 25th of October 2019.
Exchange Situation
If you have missed, The Stipend Coin is officially supported on Graviex with the current links :
The team is always talking with other exchanges as the KYC hammer is dropping on most current exchanges, the team is doing its share of work if you see any delay on a listing it’s mostly due to 2 of the current parameters :
1- Listing fees are absurd
2 - The exchange isn’t responding or taking time to review the project.
Next AMA is held October, 13rd. Please join us in discord to discuss!
SPD Donations : sLubXWy4ExK122XBNS6c9ZEkFRgcyBdL9t
BTC Donations: 14dKcsrFTVvhWbEw1K4KHibRPGzhjiSNar
ETH Donations: 0xb4142B7cC3A2Be7bAc437482CeBB1867e89a056e
LTC Donations: Ld2fe8voH5eTzqNCmfwenbrA66FzASfnMT
Social Media
Note that we are most active on our Discord, with us and over a dozen Community Helpers/Managers, offering 24/7 support. We’d be happy to answer any questions and inquiries that you may have.