Stipend Update — September 2021

4 min readSep 12, 2021


Hi everyone, the month of August was mostly filled with vacations for most teams members but we still managed to advance a large number of things during this period.

We reworked most of the important UI of the platform to prepare a presentable version for launch, 2 new team members are joining the project as respectively security specialist (one of the main security specilists of Oracle France) and infrastrure and technology guru to rethink, restructure and secure everything before launch.

We are also happy to announce that the next upgrade for the blockchain wallet is huge directly jumping to 5.2 without any fork involved thanks to cassey’s amazing work! As the code is done we are expecting the new wallet to ship soon (no date as of right now).

Concerning the Bridge we have to put the project onhold until we finish the 5.2 upgrade and get back to it, more info below.

1 — Bridge Discussion

As it seems it’s something the team need to carry out and can’t delegate as we didn’t have any success with the two members that worked on the last iterations, we will put the Bridge on hold whilst working on more urgent matters and get back to it as soon as we have some ressources available.

PS : The Bridge is part of the Stipend Ecosystem so it’s a step we need to take sooner rather than later.

2 — Platform Update

As we pointed last monthly update developpement is going rock solid and everyone has been contributing we even have new members joining and reviewing both the code and the infrascture lately to make sure the platform can indeed deliver but also sustain the success we all intend the project to have.

We have for that enrolled new members that are since the start of september reviewing the code and security of the platform as a whole and oh boy they having tons of fun as we didn’t really put any security forward as we were mostly focusing on advancing (features) as soon as possible.

The security/refactor team should finish it’s review by the end of this month to see how much work is left on that end. Not that there is nothing left to do on that platform as David and other members are still contributing on a daily basis but so far the most critical item (Database Migration) is really close to completion.

3 — UI Changes

The large UI Changes continue with minors tweaks here and there that would take 100 pages to fill but the main pages has been Dashboard and Transactions as they were really offputting and didn’t represent the slick and modern design of the platform.

Here are a couple of the pages that were completely reworked.

4 — New Team Members (Security / Infrastructure)

Two new members have joined the team the past couple of days and were dedicated to (Launch) which means making the platform secure, rewriting anything that needs to be refactored but also refidle with the important part (Infrastrucre / Servers and Security), this is something we had to go through before launch anyway, more details on the teammembers should be make public soon once they feel more relaxed sharing personal details.

5 — Marketing Team Research for Platform Launch

The Marketing Team has finally finished the 3 Months Research on every aspect concerning the Stipend Platform Launch and Freelancers/Clients Acquisition, we should refactor all the findings in a document we can share with the community very soon.

6 — Conclusion

The progress is still green for all the sections of the projects as we are getting closer and closer to the innevitable Launch.

Thanks again for all the support you’ve shown!

Stipend Core Team




Written by Stipend

Stipend blockchain is the first and most advanced Freelance Blockchain Ecosystem offering a complete set of tools for any online work since 2017.

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