Weekly Update #20
The following update describes all the progress that we’ve accomplished over the last few weeks. We’ve been incredibly busy with the platform, working hard to meet the Delta conference deadline. We’re currently on track to finish on schedule.
Platform Updates
We’ve been hard at work updating and improving Stipend’s platform throughout, adding necessary features and fixing small bugs and such. Like the last update, we again haven’t yet quite gotten to a point where we’ve been able to release the new features, however, as we’re still wiring up functionality for a few pages. We’ll push everything as soon as we’re able, although here’s a list and screenshots of everything that we’ve implemented over the last few weeks on the our development environment:
The “Freelancer Profile” Page
- When you register your profile, by default you’re flagged as neither a Client nor a Freelancer. In order to become a Client, you just need to go and create a job offer. However, to become a Freelancer, you need to fill out and submit your “Freelancing” profile page first.
The “Dashboard” Page
- This page primarily is meant to contain a few individual tabs: “Overview”, “Account Settings”, “Payment Settings”, as well as a few others, and is primarily meant to be the link between the aforementioned “Freelancer Profile” page.
- As you can see, the “Dashboard” is currently broken down into three individual tabs. The first tab, “Overview”, is primarily meant to allow the individual to flag themselves as a “Client” or “Freelancer”.
- The second tab, “Account Settings”, is used to change specific settings of the individual’s account. As you can see, it’s pretty bare-bones still. We expect to improve/modify this as necessary.
- The third tab, “Payment Settings”, is still in development. This tab is primarily meant to allow the individual to choose/decide their method of payment. We expect to modify this much further.
- This piece of functionality is primarily meant to indicate new developments— regarding offers, listings, messages, and the like — essentially anything important, meant to help the individual using the platform.
“Homepage” Updates
- Currently, our homepage is client-facing only — e.g. “Find a freelancer”. We’re working on implementing a sliding system that appeals to both the Freelancer and Client that rotates over a short period of time.
Overall, though, there’s a lot of miscellaneous fixes and other things that are currently in the works. We expect to have implemented everything mentioned in this and the last update, as well as quite a bit else on the live version by the next Bi-Weekly Update.
Partnership Updates
There’s not much that’s new to report on the partnership front. We’ve had multiple meetings and calls with the company in question, but yet haven’t quite reached anything concrete that would legally allow us to speak further about them. Partnership deliberations take time, we’re working on getting things finalized as quickly as we can.
We have another meeting scheduled for this coming week, and will again update the community on how it goes.
Youtube Interview
We had a very interesting interview with the Crypto You-Tuber “Seth Estrada”, where Andrew and Saad sat down and talked about Stipend’s overall vision for the next couple of months/years, as well as the advancements that the project has had in the past. We even had the chance to go over the time allowed and talk further about cryptocurrency markets and ways for Stipend to ensure a sustainable future.
YouTube is an important platform to promote Stipend and we are always contacting transparent and interesting content creators to cover the project and spread awareness. We expect to see more interviews, especially after the release of the platform or the finalization of one of our partnership deliberations.
We want to thank Seth for this opportunity to talk about Stipend on his channel.
IDAX Updates
Regarding IDAX, we want to be as transparent as possible. Over the past month, we have been trying to secure a refund over the IDAX listing, primarily as they did not hold up their end of the deal that was contractually agreed upon by both parties. For the past month they have stonewalled and ignored us while acting in an unprofessional manner and have completely ditched all discussion about working with us on the marketing campaign. If possible, we will begin to go after them on a legal front.
We’ve been extremely busy over the last few weeks, and put the website on the back-burner while tidying up a few other things, both in our personal lives and with Stipend’s platform and coin. The website is hosted, and we’re just finalizing the content before release.
Exchange Voting
We’re also currently involved in a few voting competitions in which the winner get’s a free listing. You can help us out by pledging your vote using the links below:
- Cryptaldash: https://www.cryptaldash.com/new-coin-listing/stipend
- Aiodex: https://aiodex.com/vote/stipend
- Shardax: https://shardax.com/votes/coin?coin=Stipend%20(SPD)
- Oodlebit: https://oodlebit.com/coinvoting.php
Thank you for all your support in the last few months! We’re working hard daily, doing all that we can to build up Stipend as a world-class cryptocurrency!
SPD Donations : Sjy1V27DxWtwcGVEHgaRV688WjWxzDqYsX
BTC Donations: 14dKcsrFTVvhWbEw1K4KHibRPGzhjiSNar
ETH Donations: 0xb4142B7cC3A2Be7bAc437482CeBB1867e89a056e
LTC Donations: Ld2fe8voH5eTzqNCmfwenbrA66FzASfnMT
Social Media
Twitter: http://twitter.com/StipendOff
Telegram: http://t.me/StipendOfficial
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/stipend
Discord: http://discord.gg/Q6vyckx
Note that we are most active on our Discord, with us and over a dozen Community Helpers/Managers, offering 24/7 support. We’d be happy to answer any questions and inquiries that you may have.