Weekly Update #22

Getting Ready for Malta

5 min readSep 25, 2018
Main Page of the Stipend Platform

These past few weeks, we’ve been working hard to meet the Delta conference deadline. With just a few weeks remaining, we’ve put most of our other projects on hold and have been focusing on the platform in order to have something to showcase. This week in particular has been characterized by getting ready for Malta in particular and finalizing the prepared build of the platform.

Over the past few months, we’ve hyped and publicized the Delta Conference and our role in attending. It was our goal to finish the platform before the October deadline, and as that deadline grew nearer, we hired new developers and worked alongside them to improve the speed of development. As of now, on our development servers, the full platform pipeline is completely implemented, and is ready to be presented to the investors and individuals present at the conference.

As of now, hosted on our development servers, Client functionality extends to being able to post a Job to the Platform / look for a Freelancer, view individual Jobs that they’ve posted, edit/update individual Jobs that they’ve posted, offer a specific Freelancer listed on the site their Job, have individual Freelancers apply to their posted Job, choose from individual Proposals that Freelancers have applied with, interview chosen Freelancers from Proposals, hire a chosen Freelancer to accomplish the posted Job, and much more that I haven’t mentioned.

In the same regard, Freelancer functionality currently extends to being able to search for individual Jobs posted by Clients, submit Proposals to individual Jobs of interest, have their Proposals reviewed and accepted by interested Clients, be invited to Interview for these individual Jobs of interest, be hired for these individual Jobs of interest, and again, much more that I haven’t mentioned.

Platform Updates

This section in particular highlights every individual change and feature that has been worked on over the past few weeks, and is either running on our development servers or has been pushed to live, to be viewed on the platform (https://platform.stipend.me).

Proposal Submission

  • The functionality of such now works. If you submit a proposal, the Client will be able to view this and react to your proposal. However, this feature is not completely live yet, and primarily is only active on our development servers, to be featured in Malta.
  • On a successful proposal submission, the platform now redirects to the /applications page.
  • If you aren’t flagged as a Freelancer and try to click the “Submit Proposal” button on the “Specific Job” page, it now redirects you to the Home Page and gives an error message stating that you need to be flagged as a Freelancer to access this functionality
  • We’ve fixed a bug in which you were able to submit a Proposal to a Job of interest multiple times.

Interview Functionality

  • The functionality of such now works. If you go and invite a Freelancer to an interview as a Client, a new conversation will be created with the participants involved. As above, this feature also is not completely live yet, and primarily is only active on our development servers, to be featured in Malta.

Hero Slider

  • Updated with new images/slider functionality

Inbox Page Functionality

  • This page in particular has been slightly redesigned. It now includes scrollbars in the layout when content fills the panel, which is overall an improvement, as the older design primarily increased the height of the page whenever a new message from either of the participants was added to the conversation
  • It now successfully pulls the requested message on initialization, but yet still lacks a lot of functionality, including sending messages and sockets for real-time interaction. This step in particular will be finished last, as it’s somewhat difficult for VUE to implement, and isn’t simply a quick “plug-and-forget”

Notification Pop-Ups (Inbox)

  • Implemented “Mark All as Read” functionality with the “Inbox Page” as a whole.

Delta Summit

This is the last weekly update before the team will be heading to Malta, to participate in the Delta Summit. One member of the team will officially represent Stipend in the Speaker Panel. We’ll be speaking alongside individuals such as Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, and Dr. Joseph Muscat, the Prime Minister of Malta.

Governance Theorization

Throughout much debate, we’ve decided to further implement Masternode functionality on the platform. At first glance, Governance is an obvious step forward to decentralization and opinion of the masses. Decisions will be made and decided by the network — in particular — by the Masternode owners. Through systematic integration throughout the platform, we’ll be able to ensure that a fork isn’t completely necessary and the functionality can be tied into the platform rather than the coin or blockchain.

One of the biggest problems regarding the integration of this functionality into the platform, rather than the blockchain, is how to check whether or not an individual is a Masternode holder without the private key. We’ve come up with an idea regarding how to verify this:

Initially, you will be requested to send between 0.1 and 1 SPD to an individual Governance address, given in a special section on the platform, allowing us to recognize your ownership of the address. Once this is confirmed, you will be given a private token to enable a special dashboard in your account. Individuals with more than one address will be able to register more than one token. The platform will check regularly if the Masternodes are still active — if not, the token will be de-listed and the Masternode will be removed from being able to participate in Governance until reactivation.

Partnership Updates

The company has expressed to us that they’re primarily waiting until we deliver on the platform’s functionality. Over the next few weeks, once Delta has finalized, we’ll begin to migrate the showcased build and everything else over to the live version and continue negotiations in earnest.

Exchange Voting

We’re also currently involved in a few voting competitions in which the winner get’s a free listing. You can help us out by pledging your vote using the links below:

Thank you for all your support in the last few months! We’re working hard daily, doing all that we can to build up Stipend as a world-class cryptocurrency!


SPD Donations : Sjy1V27DxWtwcGVEHgaRV688WjWxzDqYsX
BTC Donations: 14dKcsrFTVvhWbEw1K4KHibRPGzhjiSNar
ETH Donations: 0xb4142B7cC3A2Be7bAc437482CeBB1867e89a056e
LTC Donations: Ld2fe8voH5eTzqNCmfwenbrA66FzASfnMT

Social Media

Twitter: http://twitter.com/StipendOff
Telegram: http://t.me/StipendOfficial
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/stipend
Discord: http://discord.gg/Q6vyckx

Note that we are most active on our Discord, with us and over a dozen Community Helpers/Managers, offering 24/7 support. We’d be happy to answer any questions and inquiries that you may have.




Written by Stipend

Stipend blockchain is the first and most advanced Freelance Blockchain Ecosystem offering a complete set of tools for any online work since 2017.

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